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Week 5 US Economic Dashboard in Python Lab

Go to the [[Python Week 4 Main Page]] or the [[Python - Main Page]] Also see the [[Programming Main Page]] or the [[Main AI Page]]

The screenshot for question 12 (the GDP head question) is at: https://i.imgur.com/WE3Q02C.png

Here's the question 12 screenshot

The screenshot for question 17 (the unemployment head question) is at: https://i.imgur.com/VmgIbxc.png

Here's the question 17 screenshot

The screenshot for question 20 (the filtering on employment question) is at: https://i.imgur.com/fRB4EnD.png

Here's the question 20 screenshot

The screenshot for the final question (the final graph): https://i.imgur.com/eux6ICX.png

The final graph

Final Link

Here’s the final share link: https://jp-tok.dataplatform.cloud.ibm.com/analytics/notebooks/v2/7e31baab-851a-4071-8dbf-6e077f624744/view?access_token=be5717f89ebe7fda32175468dd87da4f27061c3927cac0daef633d490cbee9ab

Here’s what it links to, another broken Lab

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